Of course I was sh*!ting myself about my first live demo, but I had so much fun. As ever, wonderful to catch up with Sara and David. Met the Caldesi's too. Our kids are similar ages, so they all bonded over frozen yoghurt and shopping!
I think the demo went ok. Watching it back, I am a little hyper and slightly bouncy, but if the purpose of a demo is to teach the dish, I think the objective was achieved. I honestly never realised how overly expressive I am until I started watching all this stuff back. Do I want to curb my enthusiasm, probably not :)
I made two dishes, vegetarian pad thai (phat thai jay) and my thai style noodle soup with chilli fritters. Both are quick, healthy and easy dishes to make. Enjoy!
Here's the demo... in 3 parts because I'm new to You Tube
Part 1 (2/3 of the pad thai recipe)
Part 2 (rest of the pad thai, start of thai noodle soup)
Part 3 (noodle soup)
you didn't seem nervous at all, i thought you were really natural! :)